Without doubt, the best advice you can get when you move is to get rid of all unnecessary items before moving by arranging a moving sale. This tip alone will reduce transportation costs and put money in your pocket at the same time. How to arrange a successful move sale / garage sale / garage sale?
Here are the top 10 tips for managing a moving sale – not just a sale, but one that’s proving crazy, very profitable, and even a little fun.
# 1. Team up with friends and neighbors
Organizing a successful moving sale on your own is a tough job and things could soon become overwhelming for you to handle all the details of the planned garage sale. That’s why, before anything else, it’s a good idea to ask neighbors and friends if they also plan a garage sale so you can team up and combine a few garage sales.
The strength of the number!
The advantage of organizing a large garage sale before moving is that cooperative efforts will be organized to organize, network and organize a large-scale sales event that will attract more people (understand potential buyers) and become more profitable.
To eliminate errors in a shared moving sale, have the corresponding vendor initials on the price tags to keep track of who sold what.
# 2. Advertise your sale in motion
To organize a successful garage sale before moving, you need to think about the best way to advertise your move sale as part of the preparation phase. Unfortunately, you can not do without proper advertising – people just will not know that you are organizing a garage sale, and no one will come. It’s that simple.
Online advertising is usually free, so go for it. Use social media to promote your next mobile sale – creating an event on Facebook can be especially helpful in spreading the word among your friends. Also, use specialized websites such as com / Craigslist / Yardies.com / Treasure Weekend to announce the event.
Advertising in the local paper is also a good option, but it will cost you money.
Whichever option you choose to promote your moving sale, be sure to place lots of photos in the ads – photos of the most attractive items you plan to get rid of before moving.
# 3. Set up thoughtful and attractive signs
Putting posters and posters in the neighborhood is an essential part of holding a successful garage sale. Even if you do not have enough time to place an ad in the local newspaper or to promote your pre-move garage sale online, you will still need to place signs in the area as they will not only inform the passers-by of the garage sale, but they also point them to your door with the help of arrows.
Be very careful when placing sales signs – check with local authorities to avoid a possible fine.
Use BIG BLACK LETTERS on a light background (bright yellow, for example) to bring out your posters or posters. Be consistent with the design of your posters and posters – use one color and the same writing and the same style of letters.
Write the dates and times of the start of the garage sale. When is the best time to organize a garage sale? Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the usual days for garage sales. Also, 8 am is a good time to open your sale, usually until 4pm.
Do not just write the address of your house because most people will not look for it. Instead, place signs on every street corner so potential customers can easily follow the route from the main road to your entrance and your home.
# 4. Sort, group and organize all items like inside a store
There are several steps to organizing a profitable mobile sale, and one of them is to organize your items as if they were in a department store. Make sure each item is correctly grouped, categorized, organized, labeled and evaluated. The worst thing you could do is simply throw things out for sale on the ground and force people to dig through piles of disorganized garbage to find something worthy. It will not work.
Probably one of the best tips and tricks of garage sales at all times is to use a lot of tables to organize your items. That’s right – borrow as many tables as you can from friends and neighbors to make items both more accessible and presentable.
Sort and group similar items – books, CDs, baby items, children’s toys, shoes, clothes, kitchen items, electrical items, power tools, etc. Remember that arranging your moving sales must make sense for people. If your sale seems totally random and disorganized, people will not stay very long, and you will lose potential buyers. On the other hand, if everything is organized and clean and tidy, then whoever came to your garage will stay and buy more things.
Hang the clothes you have for sale, do not stack them in big boxes and wait until people dig them up. Use as many hangers as you can to have the clothes look good as if they were inside a clothing store.
# 5. Price ?? post the good!
Our tips for hosting a successful garage sale before moving on to another home continue with the crucial topic of pricing your merchandise so that it actually sells.
How to organize a sale in motion
A reasonable price is crucial for the success of your garage sale.
Do not sell the items for sale too high because, well, they just do not want to sell. It is important to keep in mind that you can not recover the money you spent to purchase these items.
The main goal of having a garage sale is to get rid of the items before the move, so the price of these items wisely – 30% of the retail price is a good way to start, but there are many factors that can influence the price.
Price each item for sale. That’s right – each and every one. Yes, individual prices will take time, but will allow your customers to buy more easily. Most people find it rather annoying to have to constantly ask for the price, and some of them will not bother at all. Use stickers or price tags that display prices in a visible manner, so that all prices can be seen right away.
Keep the prices simple, use the incremental steps of $ 1 and $ 0.50.
Make sure you have tons of change. Prepare an initial amount of at least $ 100 in small bills so that you can break important bills and make changes.