So, you are about to move and start to panic. You are a disorganized person with a disorganized house. How are you in the world so that everything is clean and packed with your place in such a state of disorder?

No need to worry. We’ve put together a step by step list to get rid of junk, sort your stuff and put everything away. Once you have started, you will realize that the packaging process is not as difficult as you thought.

First of all: choose a room.

Any room. It does not matter if it’s the dirtiest or the cleanest room.

Then set a timer. You will clean for only 30 minutes. In this way, you will not be exhausted and will resist when cleaning other parts. Doing a four or five hour cleaning and packing party may seem like a good idea. After all, you can organize everything and pack in one go. But remember, it’s much easier to motivate yourself when you know that a breakpoint is imminent. Do you really want to spend all your afternoon cleaning up? If you were the kind of person who would do it, your house would not be in the condition it is! Remember, it’s much easier to convince yourself to get to work when it’s just a small 30-minute increase.

It is now time to do some sorting. Take everything that does not belong to this room and drop it where it is. See? That’s half the work already done!

After that, get rid of all the garbage.


If you have random papers and junks, pick them up in the trash. If you have not used it in the past few months and it’s an article that nobody would want, kill it.

Set aside things you do not want to take with you to your new home, but do not want to throw away. These articles will be given or given. You can even arrange a garage sale if you wish.

Then, start to store all the items you want to keep, but be aware that you will not use them before the move. Keep similar items in the same box. Remember – the heavier the object, the smaller the box. Heavy objects such as books should be placed in small boxes. Light items such as blankets and comforters can be stored in large boxes.

Do not forget to tag all your boxes with the content.

You can be as vague or specific as you want – whether you simply place the room to which it belongs or make a detailed list of everything in it. Use the system that will work best for you when you unpack. One way is not better than the other.

It does not matter if you are able to complete all of these steps in half an hour or need to work for a few days. Once you have started, each step becomes easier and easier.

Do not forget to involve the rest of the family! Younger children may be responsible for throwing garbage – after all, it does not matter if they drop it or break something. Older children can be trusted to pack donated or donated items. It does not matter if the items are carefully wrapped with bubble wrap or wrapping paper, these boxes do not need to survive a moving truck.

If you go room by room and follow these steps, you will find that the organization and packaging are not so intimidating after all!

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