Household moving is a huge job that requires us to do things we normally do not do. It also usually requires that these tasks be done in a short period of time. No wonder people are stressed when they have to do the same at the same time. This can lead to forgetting important things that we would not normally have. Fortunately, many of these things are common, so we can help you make sure you remember to do them.
Make a self-checklist
Time management is an important aspect to make sure everything is ready for the moving day. By doing things as they come and having no plan, it’s easy to fall behind and not even understand why. No matter how much time you have left to pack and be ready, make a plan with a timeline of when things should be done.
Collect important documents
Be sure to collect all contracts, records and important documents. You will want to request medical records for your new doctor, arrange all necessary school transfers, and more. These and things like housing, legal, financial, employment, medical, motor vehicle documents must be in a place and in your possession, not put on the moving truck.
Compare moving companies
Before choosing a mover, look for the ones that are available. Make sure they are professional and offer all the services you may need. You can also view reviews and ratings online to get an idea of previous customers’ experiences.
Visit the veterinarian
If you have a pet, it’s a good idea to get a checkup before moving. You can find out what are the travel restrictions and how to handle problematic situations. You can also request immunization records and other necessary documents for the new veterinarian. Some animals may even require anti-anxiety medications.
Free moving boxes
If you are trying to manage your costs, the free supply of some of your supplies can help you. You can ask neighbors and friends if they have boxes they do not need anymore. Some retail stores are also happy to pass their used moving boxes free of charge.
Essentials Box
A box of essentials is … well, essential to move. Set up a kit with clothes, medicine, toiletries, utensils, a flashlight, valuables, and other items you need at any time. You can use this box to carry the documents mentioned above. If you are concerned about the box being moved, simply write “Do not move” on the current box, just in case.
Labeling of moving boxes
Sometimes it may seem that the labeling of boxes is more problematic than it is worth, but the truth is usually the opposite. Knowing what’s in each box can help enormously to be aware of what needs to be done during unpacking. The movers can take them to the appropriate room and you can unpack if necessary.
Follow the security rules
If you are traveling alone or packing heavy items, make sure you are safe. It can be easy to forget safety in order to do things quickly, but it can lead to injury. Make sure you have adequate equipment, such as furniture rails and a cart, so that you can move things properly. You should also use proper lifting techniques, especially with large objects.
Redirect mail
This could be something that more people forget than anything else. The good news is that changing your address is not hard at all. You can change your address on the USPS website or stop at your local post office. You can mark a date for the passage of your mail so you do not miss any important documents.
Remembering these things will put you a cut above the rest that will probably forget something listed here. The move can be stressful and mistakes happen, but we are here to help you avoid as much as possible